除了拥有该地区最实惠的学费, 我们每年提供数千美元的奖学金. 了解更多大发体育官网在大发体育官网攻读幼儿学位的奖学金和经济援助.
幼儿从婴儿期开始就需要特别的照顾和关注. 他们需要指导、教导和积极的榜样,才能成为健康的青少年,并最终成为成年人. 如果你心里对孩子有特殊的位置, 然后考虑一个早期儿童和家庭研究学位. 你将学会如何关心他们的健康、教育和福利. 你将学会为他们的社交、身体和智力发展负责. 日托所是常见的雇主, 日常活动如饮食管理在哪里, sleeping, health care, 孩子们的娱乐需求是主要的日常任务. 幼儿教师提供额外的学习经验. 导演负责监督节目, 包括用品及设备, balancing the budget, and working with parents. 拥有大发体育官网的早期儿童和家庭研究学位, 你将为各种各样的情况做好准备,并为照顾幼儿的许多不同职业做好准备.
based on the most recent graduate survey
Fast Facts
Degrees offered: B.A. or B.S. 在儿童早期和家庭研究中
Hours required:
For concentration: 57
General education: 30
To graduate from WSC: 120
Popular minors: Foods and Nutrition, Spanish
School: Business and Technology
Department: Technology and Applied Science
Nationally Ranked Program
Recognized for Excellence
Colleges of Distinction
Recognized for Excellence
Colleges of Distinction
韦恩州立学院被命名为杰出学院. 荣誉学院表彰并认可了数百所规模较小的学院, 以教学为中心的大学构成了美国教育体系的结构, 这些学校有四个最重要的特点——敬业, Teaching, Community, 和成果——这是有效的本科教育的基本要素.
被指定为“杰出学院”,“学校的课程必须强调批判性思维等核心能力, writing, oral skills, research, and global perspectives. 他们还必须提供充满活力的课外学习和出国留学项目. The process is objective, in-depth, and qualitative; however, 定量数据,如班级规模统计, faculty-to-student ratio, 此外,留校率和四年毕业率也被考虑在内.
Scholarships and Aid
Our Focus is Results
Skills Learned
- Food preparation and baking
- Meal management and nutrition
- 儿童的健康和安全
- Red Cross CPR certification
- 养育子女和家庭关系
- 专业的演讲技巧
- Consumer economics
- 儿童早期生长发育
- 学前课程开发与实践
- Children’s literature
- 批判性思维和解决问题能力
- Leadership and organization
- Time management
Possible Careers
- Preschool teacher
- Child care director
- Paraprofessional
- Teaching assistant
- Education administrator
- Day care provider
- Guidance counselor
- After-school program manager
- Camp director
- Youth worker
- Child development specialist
- Family support specialist
- Preschools
- Day cares
- Early learning academies
- Elementary schools
- Social services
- Child development services
- Government agencies
- Community centers
- Youth program facilities
- Counseling centers
- Student support centers
- Self-employment
Learn From the Best
Our faculty are accomplished. 有几位被尊为专家,并获得了显著的荣誉和奖励. 而且学生与教师的比例很低, 你一定会在早期儿童和家庭研究学位课程中获得良好的教育.
Jessie Piper, MSE
Outside the Classroom
At Wayne State College, 你将有机会通过参加社团来加强你的教育, organizations, art shows, internships, and more.
Clubs and Organizations
在社区中有所作为,同时学习可以应用于未来职业的技能! Wayne State’s Service-Learning program 曾因杰出的社区服务而获得国家奖项, 每学期有超过400名学生参与服务学习项目.
- District competitions – Compete in FCCLA STAR events 因你在与家族宗旨有关的各个领域取得的成就而获得全国的认可, Career, 和美国社区领袖组织.
- 同伴辅导和辅导项目 -帮助同学掌握课程,提高技能, 或者成为新生支持系统的一部分, 同时为你的简历积累宝贵的经验.
- Study Abroad -在海外经历令人兴奋的全球冒险的同时获得学位学分.
你将有机会在当地的幼儿园或日托中心工作,以获得实地经验,并在幼儿阶段获得学位学分. Career Services 是否还能帮你找到最好的实习和就业机会.